Jim Maus archives
Snapshot that appears to be from the top of the old Monticello water tower that has since been torn down.This is looking northwest at the intersection of 75 and 25.…
Snapshot that appears to be from the top of the old Monticello water tower that has since been torn down.This is looking northwest at the intersection of 75 and 25.…
Oakwood School is located where US Bank is currently,between West 3rd and West 4th Street on Walnut Street.Built in 1909 and demolished in 1980.
Click on the very first picture and then you can view the rest by clicking on the right arrow.
I will upload the rest of the yearbook when i get back to hispeed internet.
Pictures may not appear in the proper order.
I will upload the rest of the yearbook when i get back to civilization and hispeed internet.